Cuerpo Docente

List of international & national collaborators participating in the ESG Certification Program.

Cuerpo Docente

José Javier Alonso Mateos
Directorate of Energy Audits. URBASER, S.A. XXI Prize of the Environment Caja Segovia: Sustainable Management in Business areas of the province of Segovia. Agricultural Engineering from Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineers (ETSIA), College Polytechnic of Madrid (UPM).

Leticia Alcaraz
South Europe Finance Manager at Löccitane at Provence. Degree from CUNEF. The Power MBA (2020).

Lara Altable
Responsible for Sustainable and Responsible Investment policies at Santander Asset Management. Extensive experience as a sustainability and climate change consultant at KPMG. Graduated in Environmental Sciences from Salamanca University. ESG Analyst (CESGA) certification.

Pablo Bascones Ilundain
Partner of PwC, responsible for sustainability and climate change services in Spain. Degree in Environmental Sciences from UAM, Executive MBA from IESE Business School and Diploma in International Business from the University of Berkeley.

Alejandro Calderón
Executive Director at Morgan Stanley, USA. Experience in wealth management and in the financial sector, his focus is investing in environmental projects.

José Ramón Canales
General Supervision Direction (Methodology Group: development of supervision methodologies within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism and; work related to sustainable finance, both internally within the Bank of Spain and through participation in various international groups (NGFS, EBA and ECB). Degree in Business Administration and management from CUNEF.

Marta Contreras Hernández
Director of Sustainability and Climate Change in KPMG Asesores. Trainer certified by GRI and by CESGA issued from the Spanish Institute of Financial Studies. Bachelor of Chemical Sciences (specialty in Environment from UCM, Madrid.

Leoncio Daniel Cruz Goméz
Director of Research and Development at Private Inc. Newspaper. Columnist: Revista Vinculando, Cuatro Mercadotecnia y Publicidad and Medio Digital Política Comunicada. Master of International Business, Autonomus University of Tamaulipas.

Douglas Cumming
Professor of Finance, Florida Atlantic University. Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Corporate Finance and Associate Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance, European Journal of Finance, and Corporate Governance: An International Review.

Dr. Iván Díaz- Rainey
Director, Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup) & Associate Professor of Finance, University of Otago (New Zealand). Leading the Climate and Energy Finance Group at Otago (CEFGroup). Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (JFRC).

Marek Dietl
Assistant Professor in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics, University of Warsaw. President of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board.

Abdel El-Shaarawi
Professor of Mathematics, McMaster University, University of British Columbia, National Water Research Inst., Canada. Founder of The International Environmetrics Society and Environmetrics. Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Lorraine, France.

Sylvia Rose Esterby
Professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia. Previous positions at Okanagan University College and the National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada. Founder of the International Environmetrics Society (TIES).

Vera Estefanía
Degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Belongs to the Scale of Superior Optional Technicians of the Autonomous Agencies of the Ministry of the Environment. Since 2005, she has worked at the Spanish Climate Change Office as a socio-economic adviser, specializing in international climate change negotiations and previously working in the International Financial Analyst Analysis Department (AFI).

Inés García-Pintos Balbás
Independent consultant in Sustainability and Sustainable Finance. Associate professor (UCM). Member of the Board of trustees of the ECODES Foundation, CREAS CPR and the boards of Forética and DIRSE. Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Complutense University of Madrid.

Mauricio A. Ortega Hinojosa
Director of Microfinance Institutions in Latam and Managing Partner of Serinea Investments, S.L. Expert in investment banking in the microfinance sector, impact investing and sustainable finance. Coordinator of the Master in Microfinance and Social Development, University of Alcalá, Spain.

Emanuele Campiglio
Assistant Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), where he leads the research area in Climate Economics and Finance.

Vicente Jakas
Treasury Markets Finance Director Continental Europe - Deutsche Bank.

Ilaria Benedetti
Research Fellow, Tuscia University, Italy. Specialized in: Computation of Spatial Price Indexes, Well-being, inequality and economic growth.

Muhhammad Imran Qureshi
Professor of Management. Technical University of Malaysia, Malacca (UTeM). Founder director of Connecting Academia, Society & Industry Alliance (Connecting ASIA) Research Network.

Dr. Ranadeva Jayasekera
Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance at Trinity College Dublin. Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accounts (CIMA), UK.

Kryzstoff Kompa
Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg, College of Business and Economics, Johannesburg (SA).

Dr. Totti Könnöla
Managing Director and Co-founder at Insight Foresight Institute (IFI). Member of the SCB International Advisory Board, Belgium & Member of the Advisory Board in Ges Alliance, Madrid. Dr. Tech. Systems Analysis, Innovation and Environmental Management, from Helsinki University of Tecnology (TKK).

Roberto Knop Muszynski
Senior Advisor at Jones Lang Lasalle, Spain. COFIDES External Advisor. Member of the Academic Council of EFA. Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences In Banking and Stock Exchange at the Autonomous University, Madrid.

Yeva Nersisyan
Research Scholar at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity and Associate Professor Department of Economics at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster-Pennyslvania. B.A. in economics from Yerevan State University in Armenia, and M.A. and Ph.D. in economics and mathematics from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Daniel Kwabena Twerefou
Associate Professor, University of Ghana. Member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and the Deputy Director of the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative in Ghana.

Juan Laborda
Founder Partner Razona Estudio de Economía y Finanzas. Professor Advance Portfolio Management and Currency markets in Master Finance & Associate Professor Financial Economic, Carlos III, University (Madrid).

Tiziana Laureti
Professor of Economic Statistics, Tuscia University, Italy. Expert in Statistics for Environment and consumer behavior and well-being sustainability. Nominated by the Italian President of the Council of Ministers as a member of the Statistical Information Steering and Coordination Committee.

Javier López-Galiacho
Director of Compliance Officer of the Group and Corporate Responsibility of the FCC Group (since 2004). Chairman of the COMPLIANCE Committee of the FCC Group. Director of the Corporate Governance Commission of the Sustainability Excellence Club. Law Degree (UCM). Doctor of Laws, rated cum laude (UCM). Diploma in sustainability from Wharton School. University of Pennsylvania (USA).

Bingjie Liu
Assistant Professor at California State University, Los Angeles. Areas research: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), Social Media, Psychological Effects of Technologies.

Fernando Luque
Senior Financial Editor for Morningstar Spain. He publishes articles in Investment Strategies, Investment & Finance, El Economista, Funds People and participates in radio programs dedicated to investment funds. Commercial Engineer from Ecole de Commece Solvay (Université Libre de Bruxelles).

James Ming Chen
Professor of Constitutional Law (Justin Smith Morrill Chair in Law), Michigan State University College of Law. Former Dean, University of Louisville School of Law. Elected member, American Law Institute.

Borja Miranda Johansson
Managing Director at Morrow Sodali. Expert in strategic counsel on corporate events involving share/bond holder participation and also consulting experience on ESG related matters. Degree in Business Administration from CUNEF.

Viviane Naimy
Professor of Finance at Nôtre Dame University (Lebanon) and Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics. She has received 10 international awards in recognition of excellence in research in Risk Management, Investment, Corporate Finance and Financial Modelling.

Enrique Pérez-Hernández
Independent Coordinating Director of Santander Investment: Chairman of the Audit and Risks and Appointments and Remuneration Committees. Member of the Advisory Board of MORROW SODALI ("Proxy solicitation" and advice on corporate governance). Professor of the Master in International Finance and from Executive Master of Management of Financial Institutions and Investment Services Companies from UCM, Madrid. Speaker of many conferences and analyzes on Macroeconomics and International Capital Markets.

Dhruba Purkayastha
Director, US-India Clean Energy Finance (USICEF), for which Climate Policy Initiative serves as the Program Manager. He also provides guidance to the CPI team in India on analysis of financial policy for clean energy.

Ali Ahmed
Professor of Applied Microeconomics, Linköping University, Member of the editorial advisory board of the journal Ekomisk Debatt.

Lorenzo Gallardo Rojo
Sales Executive at Amundi Iberia, Asset Management. Degree in Business Administration and Management from CUNEF.

Juan Manuel Redondo
Founder Partner and Director of Capital Partners. Member of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts and the College of Economists of Spain. Degree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Cedric Rimaud
ASEAN Program Manager at the Climate Bond Initiative. Business Degree from EM Lyon, France. CFA charter holder and member of the CFA Society in Singapore.

Carlos Ruiz Alonso
Director of Sustainability and Risks at Enagás, Spain. Industrial Engineer from UPM, PDD from EOI and Corporate Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation Program from Deusto.

Cristina M. Ruiz Pérez
Partner & Director of U&C Abogados and AEA Abogados. Director at the publishing house Ñaque editora. Professor of Law Master ICA CR-UCLM (Castilla La Mancha University). Bachelor of Law, UNED.

Gazi Salah Uddin
Associate Professor of Financial Economics at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden. He has have publications in well-renowned journals such as European Journal of Operation Research, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Energy Economics, and etc.

Esther Sarai Castillo Flores
Professor in INIDEP (Mexico). Expert in Market Research Studies and Business projects, Research Protocol, Strategic and Tactical Planning. Graduated in Economy and Finance-UACJS-UAT.

Eduardo Sancho García
Manager Corporate and Sustainability Advisory at Morrow Sodali, Spain. Degree in Business Management and Administration from Carlos III University.

Dr. Yochanan Shachmurove
Professor of Economics and Business at the City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He has served as a Guest Editor for three special issues of the International Journal of Business, two of them dealing with Financial Markets of the Middle East, and one co-edited with Nobel Laureate Professor Lawrence Klein about the BRICs B.A., Tel Aviv Univ., M.B.A.; M.A., Univ. of Minnesota, Ph.D

Luca Secondi
Associate Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Tuscia, (Viterbo), Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-Food and Forest Systems (DIBAF). Research activities focused on statistical analysis of demand and consumer behaviour, with specific reference to food waste, measures of subjective well-being, quality of life and households' living conditions; CGE models: university efficiency and effectiveness.

Simon Stiell
Cabinet. Minister, Grenada. Senator and Minister of State with responsibility for the Environment in the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, with specific responsibility for Human Resource Development in the Keith Mitchell Administration.

Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
Associate Professor of economics at Tokai University in Japan and Visiting Professor at Keio University (Japan) & Chiang Mai University (Thailand). Grantee of the Excellent Young Researcher (LEADER) status from the Ministry of Education of Japan (MEXT).

Ulrich Volz
Reader in Economics at SOAS University of London and Founder Director of the SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance. Senior Research Fellow at the German Development Institute. Honorary Professor of Economics at the University of Leipzig.

Alejandro Wilches-Segovia
Specialist in Corporate Sustainability, CSR and Social Management (Colombia).

Dorota Witkowska
Professor of Economics, Finance and Statistics, University of Lodz (Poland) and University of Johannesburg (South Africa). President, Current Economic & Social Topics International Research Assoc.-CESTIRA. Member Executive Committee International Atlantic Economic Society (USA).

Naoyuki Yoshino
Professor Emeritus of Keio University in Tokyo Japan and Director of Financial Research Center (FSA, Japan). PhD from Johns Hopkins University (his thesis supervisor was Sir Alan Walters (Margaret Thatcher’s Economic Adviser). Honorary Doctorate: Univ. of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany).

Besma Glaa
Assistant Professor in Industrial Economics, IEI, Linköping University. Program Director of two-year master’s programme in Strategy and Management in International Organisations (SMIO).

José António Filipe
Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Economics and Management, University Institute of Lisbon. Member of the College of Expert Reviewers and the College of Review Panel Members of the ESF-European Science Foundation.

Tomas Garicano
Professor of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance at IE Business School. He has also been Dean of IE and Director of the Corporate Governance Centre. Academic advisor and content provider at Exponential Education's School of Sustainability and ESG, and Senior Advisor in the area of sustainability and ESG at Atrevia.

Joaquín Garalda
Professor of Sustainability at IE University, Secretary of the Spanish Global Compact Network, and member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish CSR Council (CERSE). President of Spainsift.

Alberto Lavin
Managing partner of a business consultancy specializing in strategy and transformation. Advisor to the Board of companies in the hotel industry. Associate professor of strategy at IE Business School and other institutions.

Hector Robelló
Finance professional as a manager and lecturer in asset management and financial markets and specialist in Sustainable Finance. Senior Consultant in Sustainable Finance, EU taxonomy projects, climate risks and TCFD, CSRD, ESRS, SFDR for financial and non-financial institutions and insurers.

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